Friday, July 10, 2009

iPod Blog V

Dear blogger,

How long has it been my friend?
Too long indeed

There has been much that happened
Some good
Some bad
But that's life
I broke up with wally
And that hurt and I miss him alot
And yes im still in love with him
I know what ur gonna say
"u said u were in love with that other nigga"
Negative. He was a clown and I just got caught up in the circus
Love was there but not in the way he wanted
And I'm glad it turned out the way it did

But I have been exploring other options
Keeping an open mind to new perspectives
And one happens to be better than I imagined :)


I see my friends almost every day now
Quetta and Garron
Quetta is at work
And Garron's basement is cold lol
Quetta is fine
But Garrin has people issues
Meaning there are some that just won't leave him alone
Now I've met these certain ppl
And let's just say they can't whisper very well lol
Their games are amatuer and transparent
But that's not only my's truth
But whatever it really isn't my problem
But if one of my friends is less than happy
Then I'm less than happy
He's tried to remove the problem but they just don't seem to get the message
I'm annoyed by their tomfoolery
But again
There's not much I can do about that

Moving on

My family reunion is next week
So that should be.....
My money is tied up in that and school and bills but that didn't stop me from buying shoes
Like Shoes shoes...heels n shit LOL
Pic coming soon
So sneakers will be on hiatus until September
Unless there is a price I cannot resist
But o well
My man likes me in heels better anyway LOL

So this has been a mini update
Be well

That is all

1 opinions:

Random Guy said...

Wow. Your man? Did I miss something?