Thursday, October 8, 2009

On Blast

I hate when people put their pitiful insignificant two cent opinion into a situation where it is unwarranted.

And on that note
Dear Tim, Fuck You
Is this your idea of the proper way to mend fences with me? By writing yet another erroneous blog??


You have no say or importance in what goes on in mine and Garrons's friendship. It's not your place to speak on it. Your not entitled to it. You know nothing about it except what he told you in a fit of anger.
It was great of you to listen but when you decide to intervene with nescient blogs that's when you've over stepped your boundaries.
You shouldn't fix your lips or fingers to criticize anything about me. Especially when you yourself are trivial and ill equipped.

How dare you judge me.

You don't like the word friend because you don't know what it is or how to be one. You trust no one and you don't know how to properly love anyone but yourself (sometimes).
You don't offer anything except for a headache.
You don't have stimulating conversations with anyone except for blasé topics and then you ramble on and victimize yourself.
You are self serving.
You only want friends when it benefits you
And when things dont go your way , you use infantile behavior to serve your purpose.
You care more about your damn raggedy shoes then actual people.
You shouldn't be giving Garron any type of life advice because all you do is eat away your money and then burn off calories by playing guitar hero
Two months ago Garron was stable and had goals I just don't want him to lose sight of who he is and want he wants.
You don't know those things about your damn self and you're still where u were in high school
Garron is younger than you. You should be a role model for him
but instead your a perfect example of what not to be.
Garron will grow into greatness while you fade into his shadow
Until you get your shit in perspective and become something in life,
Something more than what it is you are
don't sully Garron with your superfluous opinions
and don't you fuckin dare ever critique me in a blog again

If you got something to say act like the big ass man that you weigh and voice that shit to me
Instead of firing a shot then hiding behind the proverbial skirt.

That IS All

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